Thursday, February 27, 2014


I'm late to work today because...

I had to vacuum. I just couldn't leave the house with the floor such a mess.  My tolerance for a messy house is pretty high. I tend to be ok until my feet start sticking to the floor. At that point I look around what has become basically a feat house and just flip out. 

That happened today. It had to be done. I didn't do a great job but it is a little better than it was. 

Findin time to clean is one of the most difficult things about being a mom who works full time outside the home. 

Monday, February 10, 2014

Almost 3 months

It's been almost 3 months since I blogged. 

What does that tell you?

Sometimes to manage life as a working mom you have to cut out everything and simplify. The holidays always requires that I step back and only do what is necessary. The months that follow are for me to refocus and redirect my time. 

The blog has taken a really far back seat...actually it's riding on the roof right now hanging on for dear life. 

I do have some things to share that I hope to get posted soon. 

Until then. Simplify.