Tuesday, November 12, 2013

It's Hard

There are days when maintaining life as a working mom is much harder than it should be. Life is that way though...some days and times in our life are just more difficult than others.

Today was one of those hard days. 

On hard days I find myself thinking about how much easier life might be if I had the luxury of staying home. 

Today would have looked much different. 

Instead of taking my lunch hour to go watch a music program at the school, I could have leisurely enjoyed the program and brought my girls home from school immediately after. 

Instead of rushing around at 5pm to get one child picked up from daycare and another child picked up from chorus I could have spent time with the kids at home doing homework before nonchalantly taking my oldest to choir. 

Instead of inhaling chicken nuggets in between choir and the evening fundraiser for the school we could have had a well prepared meal an hour earlier and made it with plenty of time to spare to the benefit. 

Instead of being up at 10:30 at night signing failed spelling &science tests and overseeing reading journals and math homework, we could be snuggled up on the couch reading a book for fun with the kids. 

I often times, especially lately, feel I have and am failing my girls. My oldest who is in 5th grade is struggling. Just about every test she has brought home this six weeks has been below a 70.  I'm frustrated. I'm tired. I don't know what else to do.  

Today sucked.