Thursday, October 24, 2013

About me:

I am a mom to 3 amazing children.  My oldest daughter, age 10 (born 9/3/03) is diagnosed ADHD/ODD with generalized anxiety.  My middle child is also a girl, age 6 (born 3/22/07), and going to be "trouble" or so I've been told.  My baby boy, age 17 months (born 5/23/12) is the "game changer".  They will go by Jade(10), Ava(6) & Liam(1) on my blog from here on out.  (I will try to semi-protect them from embarrassment later...also I want to be able to talk about them and not be completely truthful 100% of the time and not be bitten in the butt for it later.)

My husband is amazing.  A saint, really.
We've been married 9 years(2004).  Yes, our oldest is a year older than we have been married.  She was our most amazing "engagement gift" to one another.  And determined not to be a "fat bride" and have my "dream wedding" we got married a year later.  Sue me.  She knows this and it doesn't bother her, contrary to what my dear husband's grandmother told me back in 2003 while trying to convince us to go to the JOP. "Don't you think she'll be embarrassed her parents weren't married when she was born" were wrong, Nana! (so far)
So back to my husband, he runs an athletic club(not fitness club, get it right) and works 12 hour days, almost 7 days a week.  He is in charge of bed time and school drop off for the girls each morning.  He cooks....I suck at cooking.  But I bake....lets make that clear!  He is super supportive of all of us, carries his load in house work (contrary to what I may post in rage from here on after) and is just an all around great guy.  Everyone loves him, especially dogs ... he will forever more be referred to as "Ted" in this blog.  This is to protect myself.

We live in a small-ish town in North Carolina.  My family is about 4 hours away...all. of. them.  (They live within 5 minutes of each other.)  My husband's family is mixed.  His mom lives in a very close-by town, yet we see her MAYBE once a month.  His dad and step mom live in Virginia, about 6 hours away.

Our kids are in public school & daycare.  My daily wish is to win the lottery so I can quit my career job and home school them.  The world terrifies me.

We are gentle parents.  We cosleep/bed share, breastfeed, and try to be as natural as we can whilst keeping our sanity.

At the heart of everything I am a Christian.  I love my God and He gets all the glory for the amazing life I have been blessed with.  (but I won't be preaching on my blog)

Happy reading!!

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